Wednesday, 13 January 2016

What Inspires Me? Read and See! by Sharon Flood Kasenberg


To all the sources that desire
to tell me what ought to inspire,
thoughts on this subject I'll now bare:
There's inspiration everywhere.
No searching really is required;
much I observe leaves me inspired.
When I desire my soul to lift
I think this thought - life is a gift.
To know life is a fragile thing
does great appreciation bring.
So note the flowers and the trees,
the winter snow; the fresh spring breeze.
Where beauty fills the earth and sky
can inspiration we deny?
When stagnant heart needs to be stirred
it can be moved by loving word,
or kindly deed, or tender thought,
or seeing battles bravely fought.
My inspiration comes from life -
from victories and daily strife,
from books and music, movies - art.
All of these things can touch my heart.
Here is some truth: what I select
as inspiration, you'll reject,
and something that holds you in thrall
may motivate me not at all.
Thus all must inspiration choose -
observe and ponder. Question; muse.
I'll trust my heart, embrace my doubt
because to me life's all about
what we embrace - or we let go -
as we let inspiration flow.
My heart and soul, my brain and mind
uplifting images will find,
for courage, kindness, love and mirth
are plentiful upon this earth -
as are deep thoughts that brain excite
and stirrings that fill with delight.
Sounds that elate; views that amaze -
these will inspire me all my days.

Sharon Flood Kasenberg, January 13, 2016

Inspiration is a funny thing - it can be capricious, even unreliable.

When I was trying to plan a wedding reception for an absentee bride and groom, my (soon to be) daughter-in-law suggested I join Pinterest so that we could share ideas about colour schemes and decorations. It was a helpful exercise under the circumstances, and it's safe to say that both of us were sometimes "inspired" by the images that we each saw and pinned.

But here's the thing - Pinterest hounded me  for months about what should inspire the plans for a reception that happened waaay back in June. This was a bit annoying since reception ideas had become completely irrelevant. Furthermore, somewhere along the way the "suggestions" they began to offer me lost all resemblance to the items that either my daughter-in-law or I had pinned - and for some reason that really bugged me. So I finally deleted my reception boards, but left up the others that I'd created. Now they have turned their attention to sharing any crazy thing that they think might be of interest - which I find highly presumptuous. I mean really, Pinterest, you and I never bonded in a meaningful way - we're just not tight enough that I welcome your constant input.

"Here's your daily inspiration!" Pinterest boldly tells me, as though they have absolutely no doubt that I'm completely incapable of finding any sort of inspiration on my own - ever. A Facebook friend also recently invited me to "Like" an Inspiration Page, so somehow word seems to have gotten out that my life isn't very (ahem) inspirational. Let me set the record straight. In truth, I am rather easily inspired - I'm never at a loss for things to think about, talk about, mull over, and write about. I have an optimistic outlook on life most of the time, and can find positive and uplifting images and messages daily, without even actively seeking them out.

Without further ado, here are a few of my observations about inspiration.

You Just Never Know What Might Inspire You...

Inspirations change over the course of a lifetime. In fact, something that really motivated you today might elicit a "meh" tomorrow. The things that really uplift and energize you will always be the things that speak to your current interests and passions, as well as your current circumstances. Certainly each of us will have life-long passionate feelings about some subjects or activities, but many of the things that seem vital one day will take a much lower priority the next. Inspiration comes in a variety of "flavours" - what you crave today might not fit the bill at all tomorrow, and that's okay because...

If You Keep Your Eyes and Heart Open, Inspiration Will Probably Find YOU!

Here's a paradox that I've discovered - when you spend too much time looking for something it stays lost, but as soon as you decide you've devoted enough time to the search, it shows up. Inspiration  usually shows up in my life when I'm not actively looking for it. Too often I've let myself feel like a failure because I didn't feel inspired when I thought I should be. There were times when people around me were thrilled, while I felt flat. Sometimes people with good intentions came across all Pinteresty and told me that one thing or another would definitely inspire me - and when it didn't I felt like I was to blame somehow. Other times I ignored the well meant advice of others, and just concentrated on being kind, observant and open-minded enough that if I felt an inspirational nudge I'd recognize it. Not surprisingly that's when it often showed up. I think that's because the best things in life always seem to happen when we're doing as opposed to waiting.

Inspiration is subjective - Follow Your OWN Passion.

You and I can both love music, but the music that thrills me to the core might put you to sleep - or just not sound that good to you. We've all had the experience where we're talking about a book or movie that we adored - and maybe felt was life changing - then somebody has the nerve to tell us that they didn't enjoy it at all. I've seen others visibly deflate when they meet this kind of "position opposition". But who are they to dictate what you love?  Different things speak to different souls, and that's a wonderful thing. The world would be a very boring place to most of us if we all had to feign excitement over the things that inspire a few of us.

Relax - Inspiration Can't Be Forced.

I've already alluded to this, but I can't emphasize it enough. Higher thoughts and "Aha Moments" don't come just because we want them too. We can't force ourselves to feel inspired, especially if we believe (like I do) that inspirations are unpredictable and can change as often as we do. Our best ideas and most uplifting thoughts usually seem to hit us out of the blue when we least expect them. So take a walk to clear your head, or kick back with your favorite book, because when you feel most happy and relaxed is when you're most apt to experience an epiphany.

Finally, here's one last bit of advice about inspiration -

Never Presume to Know What Will Inspire Someone Else!

Most people would like to feel that they've inspired a person or two over the course of their lives. I think that's actually a noble (if slightly self serving) goal. There's nothing wrong with wanting to feel that we've helped some despondent or floundering soul find fresh meaning in life, or that we've uplifted those around us more often than not. It's pretty gratifying to have someone tell you that something you said or did motivated them to change their lives for the better. But none of us get to decide whose life will ultimately benefit from our example or greater wisdom. Those who are the recipients of inspiration always get to choose their sources.

I write these posts because I'm always hopeful that somebody will relate to what I've written and feel less alone. Still, no matter how good my intentions are, if I presume that I can supply the magic words or advice that will "inspire" someone else, I'm giving ego the upper hand. Just as inspiration can never be forced, our opinions about what others should be inspired by can never be forced on them.

Thus I write my thoughts knowing full well that most will never choose to read them - and of the few who do, even fewer will respond with a resounding "Amen!" Writing is my own manifestation of personal inspiration.  I've given myself permission to not be agreed with all the time, let alone inspire every person who reads every single time. I write these posts because expressing myself in verse and prose edifies me - it fills my need for self-expression. Any positive reactions I get are just icing on the cake.

So stop trying to gauge the level of inspiration of those around you, and focus on finding those areas in your life that feed your own soul. Open your eyes to the wonders around you and fill your heart with every good thing that stirs you to the core and prompts you to live a life that is filled with meaning, goodness and love. Then you'll believe me when I say this again -

Inspiration is everywhere.